19 June 2006

Flags, Football, & Dragons

My brothers-in-law have been glued to the TV, like many Britons, watching the World Cup. As it seemed the appropriately testosterony thing to do, I've joined them for many a game and have really enjoyed it.

Between games yesterday, I walked to the nearby village. Lipi remarked to me how strange it was to see St. George's Cross all over the place and proceeded to explain that the flag (see above) is for England only. Now that the Welsh and the Scots have their own parliaments, Lipi argued, they've had to deconstruct the Union Jack somewhat. I hated to tell her that they've always used the Red cross on a white field for the national team.

Regardless, it got me to thinking about the Union Jack and it's composition and how silly flags are. Slap down some colored stripes on field of primary color and you've got yourself a shared national identity. I love Rem Koolhaas' EU flag proposal. I find it a statement on this very point and something really beautiful to regard as well.

If you are going to make a flag, I think it helps to have some crazy mythical creatures on it (humped zebra, perhaps?). If I made a flag, I'd put Bigfoot on it. Anyway, forget St. George's Cross. We want to see Dragons!! The Welsh have got it right.

(the english crest does sport dragons. the americans need bigfoots, I tell you!)

UPDATE: I am an idiot. The crest shows three LIONS not dragons. Lions are pretty cool though. But still not as cool as a bigfoot.

Driving in Britain

We've been in England for almost a week and have been sticking near Reading as we haven't found the desire to go into London. Next weekend we'll travel to the Isle of Wight (if it's not too dear).

Anyway, just driving around here I've noticed some strange things . First, I saw a sign that said "Queues Likely". It's a bit of an understatement when traffic is stacked up and when there is no traffic what-so-ever it seems a bit too general. I expected to see a sign saying "Cloudy skies possible".

Near Reading is a town called Winnersh. Among British place names this one is not the most exciting but it is remarkably difficult to say. Are you supposed to pronounce it "Winner" and then make the archetypical librarian sound? Or is it pronounced "Winnerish"? I prefer the latter.

"Did I win the race?"
"Well, not exactly, but you were winnerish."

My favorite road sign is this:

It's to warn drivers of speed humps (a possible outcome of speed dating?). But it always strikes me as a body left in the roadway. There is also the "humped zebra crossings" (translation: raised crosswalks/speed bumps). I love the thought that mythical creatures could magically come out of the Tesco supermarket to cross at this point in the road.

I have yet to see a humped zebra.

(Queues Likely photo courtesy of UKStudentlife.com - a funny read in itself)

09 June 2006

Visiting Little Britain

I've been frantically trying to tie up loose ends and prepare for our semi-annual trip to the UK. I am now at that point when I am like a giant emotional candy bar: stressed on the inside blended with a chunky nervousness nougat and a sweet utterly gleeful candy coating.

The in-laws moved out of London to Reading (not pronounced REEDING but instead rhymes with "Sausage"). Reading will be a new adventure (hopefully one less expensive) so I've been doing my research. Already it looks promising. Check out the Wikitravel page. You've got to love a town that has a religious building called St. Mary's butts and church. Second only to St. Peter's coccyx and rectory, I suppose. I will have to do some investigation when I get there.

Usually by the time I get there I am so exhausted that everything seems to deliriously humourous. The fact that you have to pass the exit to Dorking and Leatherhead on the way out of Heathrow doesn't help. But I think it is something more. In fact, the British tend to naturally mock themselves. For proof watch the video below. Anyway, stay tuned to this site for more updates and travel notes.

05 June 2006

Illustration Friday: Portrait


03 June 2006

Saturday Lovin': Apocalypse Pony