29 January 2006

Illustration Friday: glamour

(Click image for larger version)

I was scanning some old work and found this from a previous life. The drawing uses some standards for fashion illustration: catwalk poses and a body that is something like 14 heads tall.

This drawing was intended to be very glamourous.

The work is ancient - owning a computer at that point in my life was but a dream - thus it is watercolor, pencil, color pencil, and oil pastel.

I have others (should I admit that?) but chose this one because I felt the looseness worked in support of the theme.

27 January 2006

Be afraid.

This article discussing the Department of Defense's plans to "fight the internet" appeared recently on the BBC news site. The actual report referenced is linked from the page. You have to read it. It is remarkable and a little disturbing. After reading it, the only way I found to counteract that kind of bad mojo is read something like this.

Like groovy lights, man

Natural psychedelia (that does not require pressing on your eyeballs). Enjoy!

26 January 2006

Thursday Lovin': Sleepless Remix

Remember the wonderful Shining remix that took the horror movie and made a trailer for a romantic comedy?

Well, here is the reverse. A romantic comedy made into a horror movie. And it is just as brilliant.

19 January 2006

metasurface 2006

The Roman god Janus (from which we get January) is depicted as a twin with one face looking forward and one looking backward. The name of the month makes sense, of course, as this is the time of year when we both reflect and think ahead.

Metasurface is a fun project and I will definitely continue it this year. Illustration Friday has been a saving grace because I've posted so little. But I want you all to know that my bookmark folder and writing notes are full with plenty of stuff (literally months worth of entries) and I am itching to post it all.

Pretty soon you'll see some simple changes in design and deeper may become a blog of it's own.

If you are still reading Metasurface, let me know what you think and what you'd like to see:


14 January 2006

Illustration Friday: E is for...Envy

(click on image for larger version)