31 July 2005

Design in a small town part 4: The Webcam

There are instances when big-city life and small-town events are just as dull as one another. This perhaps highlights a deficiency in the way a technology is used to present place and event. Web-cams, for the most part, be they in New York or wherever pretty much fail to actually give us any real sense of place or feeling of presence.

I would like to see webcams that record nice high resolution images that are crisp when displayed (especially on large monitors). It will be a great day when we can actually see the paint drying as we watch it from 5000 miles away.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am surprised at the speed that security cameras and other video monitoring equipment have jumped the gap between tool and toy-- all across the globe. You can now find video feeds from anywhere-- there are cafe's devoted to the concept (everyone's watching), and even UI has camera's trained on it's buildings for no apparent purpose other than letting people catch a glimpse of Moscow.