10 September 2005

Illustration Friday: Depth



Jayme Jacobson said...

Too deep. Let me see..a sea squirt, a toothbrush and a sinking ship? Refresh my memory. What does the sea squirt do with its brain?

Gregory Turner-Rahman said...

I am so disappointed by this piece. It was more a technical exercise and the content suffers for it, I suppose.

The sea-squirt, just so you know, floats around and when it finds a nice vent with ample food supply, it attaches itself. Once it is more or less permanently attached, it no longer needs its brain so it eats it.

Nice, eh? My question is this: if trees moved would they have brains?

The Tart said...

funny....poor guy...he reminds me of the little mermaid's friends...she always collected human things. very cute