25 September 2005

Illustration Friday: Fresh


(please click for larger and more legible version)

This week's project was again an experiment in mood and narrative. 'Fresh' always conjures up such happy things for me or, perhaps, the designer's term for anything new. I tried to get it to take on a contrary meaning.

Anyway, like the other recent pieces (escape and depth) I continued playing with an all digital process (usually I work in pencil, then ink, scan it in and only use the computer for coloring). I am not enjoying it as much as I thought I would. After a number of Photoshop freeze-ups in which I lost work, I decided to just get the thing done before heading back to work tomorrow.


carla said...

I think you successfully created a mood, and it does tell a story as well. I'm not sure if it's a happy story, as much is left for the viewr to infer. The colors are very cool and somber to match the text.

RAY DILLON said...

Wow. Nice job, man. The mood is fantastic. And the narrative. In fact, I don't think you even need the words. It says a lot on its own.

Good stuff!

Anonymous said...

As his hand slowly sank into the icy water, I waved goodbye, for the last time. I created a mental note: We'll drag for the body in April.